alarm signal: a signal indicating an emergency, such as a fire, requiring immediate action.aisle: an exit access component that provides a path of egress travel.air intake: an opening in a building's envelope whose purpose is to allow outside air to be drawn in to replace inside air.adversely affect: to constitute, or potentially constitute, a negative or destructive impact.adverse conditions: conditions that may be dangerous for the inspector and may limit the walk-through survey portion of the inspection.addition: an extension or increase in the conditioned space of a building.actual knowledge: the knowledge possessed by an individual, as opposed to that discovered through document review.activate: to turn on, supply power, or enable systems, equipment or devices to become active by normal operating controls examples include turning on the gas or water supply valves to fixtures and appliances, or activating electrical breakers or fuses.accessory structure: an additional building to the primary building.accessible: in the opinion of the inspector, can be approached or entered safely without difficulty, fear or danger.accessibility: level of access a building offers people with disabilities.access panel: a closure device used to cover an opening into a duct, an enclosure, or equipment.access: that which enables a device, appliance or equipment to be reached.above-grade wall: a wall that is mostly above grade and enclosing conditioned space.If you have any other solution to this be careful Excel warning, please share with us in the comment section below.2.2 Terminology Commonly Found in Commercial Property Inspection Reports: Hope this will solve your be careful Excel warning issue. In the Trust Center go to the Privacy Options and click Remove personal information from file properties on save. In the options, go to the Trust Center and open the Trust Center settings: If you are getting this be careful Excel warning, go to File